Here are the answers to our quiz on key news topics from May, plus some additional background information.

1. The UN Security Council passed a resolution dealing with one of the following issues in May:

Answer: a

Additional notes:  Doctors without Borders advocated for this. All the other items are previous resolutions.

2. Which province experienced destructive fires this month?

Answer: b

Additional notes: The oil sands and surrounding areas caught fire and more than 2500 homes and buildings were destroyed and 100,000 people evacuated from Fort McMurray.

3. Which Canadian recording artists were among the top 10 globally for 2015?

Answer: d

Additional notes: Canada has a higher representation in the top 10 than its relative size in the industry would predict.

4. What was significant about May 10, 2016?

Answer: d

Additional notes: The liberal government resurrected the compulsory national census and the forms were due to be completed by May 10.

5. The Royal and CIBC banks introduced a new form of payment to their customers this month. What is it?

Answer: b

Additional notes: People with an iPhone6 or iWatch can make purchases up to $100 from these devices in stores that that have contactless payment terminals. Other banks will be coming on board in a few months.

6. Prime Minister Trudeau will be hosting a trilateral meeting with which countries?

Answer: c

Additional notes: On June 29 Prime Minister Trudeau is hosting a summit with outgoing US President Obama and Mexican President Pena Nieto, to discuss a North American trading block.

7. Which province has outlined a $7 billion climate change plan?

Answer: c

Additional notes: The provincial government in Ontario will spend more than $7 billion over 4 years that will slash the provinces carbon footprint to pre-1990 levels.

8. Who will be the next Canadian astronaut in space?

Answer: a

Additional notes: Dr. Saint-Jacques will do a six month stint aboard the international space station beginning November 2018.

9. Which city has been declared the most diverse in the world?

Answer: d

Additional notes: 51% of Toronto’s population is foreign-born,  representing more than 230 nationalities. Brussels is second and London third.

10. Who will represent Canada on the 17-nation International Syria Support Group?

Answer: d

Additional notes: The United States and Russia have invited Dion to sit as a permanent member of this group.


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